Cooperating Detectors

A malware detector tries to determine whether a program is malicious (examples
of malicious programs are drive-by-downloads, botnets, and keyloggers).
Malware detection is primarily performed at two vantage points: host and
network. This post explains why cooperation between host-based and network-
based detectors is a good thing.

Traditionally, detection has been performed either at the network or host level, but
not both. First, let me examine both approaches separately.

A network-based detector monitors events by examining a session or
network flow and tries to determine whether it is malicious. The
advantage of a network-based detector is ease of deployment -- there
are not that many points of deployment for a network-based detector
(typically they are deployed behind border routers).

Unfortunately, network-based detectors have a limited view of each
network session. In fact, if a session happens to be
encrypted such as is common with VPNs, Skype, and some bots, a
network-based detector is essentially blind. For example, a botmaster
can hide its communication with the bots by simply encrypting the session.

By contrast, host-based detectors have a more comprehensive view of system activities, i.e.,
they have the potential to observe every event at the host, including malicious ones. However, the major drawback of a host-based detector is that it has to be widely deployed. Typically in a managed
network (such as in an enterprise), a host-based detector has to be deployed at
every host.

Cooperation between host-based and network-based detectors can potentially
address the shortcomings of each detector. I've come up with three possible scenarios.

1) Host-based detector helping the network-based detector.
A network-based detector can pull alerts from a host-based
detector and a host-based detector can push alerts to a network-based
detector. This is a simple solution and I suspect the easiest
scenario for cooperation.

2) Queue up suspicious activity on a virtual machine.
If a network-based detector determines that a session is
"suspicious," it can divert the suspicious traffic to a virtual machine
with a host-based detector for more in-depth analysis. The trick here
is figuring out what events are indeed "suspicious" (you do not want
too much traffic to go through the "slow path" corresponding to a
host-based detector). There is already a
startup called Fireeye adapting this solution. I find this line of work quite intriguing.

3) Pushing signatures.
This third scenario has been explored quite thoroughly in academic
literature. It involves the cooperation of host-based and network-based detectors to
push signatures for malware in real-time. For example, if a host-
based detector recognizes an attack, it pushes out a signature to a
network-based detector. The advantage of this
approach is that, by updating a network-based detector, an entire
enterprise can be protected against that particular threat. However, in my
view this is not a good approach in the long run. Hackers are creating malware variants at
an alarming rate and signatures won't be able to keep up.


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